fox attack shock trauma

  1. Flutterbudget

    Fox attack, duck hasn’t pooped in over an hour?

    Hi all, This morning unfortunately we had a fox visit the garden but due to hearing it and my partner darting out, the fox dropped my precious poppet and scarpered. (5am). She has a puncture wound above her right wing and to her tummy. She’s had a bath, I’ve cleaned the wounds with vetericyn...
  2. elpresso2024

    Little bantam injured in Fox attack, advice?

    Hi all! My little flock of four chickens - three rescues named Skinny, Floppy & Ibby and one booted bantam survivor from a batch hatched during lockdown named Dolly - got attacked by a Fox last night. The three rescues somehow (despite their best efforts) came out unscathed but Dolly got caught...
  3. Mooocoow7


    At about 4:50 this morning the fox came by an tried a surprise attack on my biggest rooster. I make the roosters sleep outside on a table next to the coop because there too horny. Anyway it looks like the fox came up behind him and grabbed him by the neck an tired to take him with him. Then king...
  4. T

    chicken escaped fox attack. HELP

    2 days ago i got an unwanted fox visit . ( In context I'm a minor and live with my father so it's harder for me to do things on my own[like vet visits and purchases on my own}) Thankfully my father saw it and stopped him. he was persistent. The fox cam back around and got a hold of one of our...
  5. C


    My baby rooster I think was attacked and when I went out to check on him was when he was attacked I think because he ran to me and I went to check what scared him but there was nothing, but afterwards he’s been really crazy? He runs into walls and runs around and stuff and he doesn’t recognize...
  6. S

    Mental Impact of Fox Attack?

    Hello, About a week ago I lost 4 of my 6 chickens (pullets) to a fox attack. I am trying to replace them ASAP so the other 2 are not too lonely, although they seem extremely bored and a bit different than before. For example they crave attention a lot more and come running much quicker than...
  7. B

    Absolutely heart broken

    Hello, I live in Western Australia and I have two hens and one hatched a single egg. When it was hatched I noticed it wasn’t breathing so was able to resuscitate it and bring it back to life. It grew to about 3 months old and I suspected it was a rooster so I had to rehome it as I was moving...
  8. D

    How did you cope with death by fox attack?

    Click this link for my story in a nutshell. I feel so empty right now. No one has chickens in this neighbourhood so they won't understand. Please don't reply explaining why this is my fault. I already know it is. Please.
  9. dschoppe

    Chicken attacked by Fox now with strange behavior

    So we have a fox problem we are working on remedying. He got into the coop and killed 3 hens. We luckily came outside before he got many more but not before ripping a good chunk of feathers from one of my retired hens. I looked her over well and found a few scratches and bald spots but nothing...
  10. M

    Fox attack

    Feeling sorry for my 5 girls in their pen I opened the pen to let them out to roam. The girls always stay in the yard ..roughly 1 acre .. they had been outside about 1/2 hour and they were all together as usual, I walked over by my vehicles and all of a sudden I hear ALL my girls squawking in...
  11. S

    Traumatised Hen with rasping breath

    Hi All, Recently with the great weather our hens have started to sleep outside of their coop in the main compartment of the hen house. It's all fenced up securely with planks / stone slabs surrounding the perimeter to stop foxes burrowing under but last night for the first time we heard a lot...
  12. C

    Claudia's Battle

    We have just suffered our first fox attack:-( Two ten week old chicks; one male and one female were taken. No sign of female but males feathers everywhere. We found Claudia, one of two hybrids at the back of the enclosure. First we presumed she was dead, then barely alive. She had no...
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