french marans

  1. M

    Blue Wheaten French Marans crosses

    So I have a blue wheaten marans cockerel that I am thinking of crossing with a few of my hens. I've been able to find very little on Google about crosses. Does anyone have pictures of their blue wheaten Marans mixes? I'd love to see any and all pictures, but especially x crested cream legbar...
  2. Furious-Arts


    I'm not new to chickens at all, i have lived with them all my life.I started getting purebred birds 4 years ago. We currently have about 136 birds on the farm! These include: Ayam Cemani, French White Maran, Silver Campine OEG Bantams, Serama, Black Sumatra, White Orpingtons, French Black Copper...
  3. A

    Boy or girl?

    I think we have figured out the breed is French Maran but I was wondering if anyone can tell me if it's a roo or hen. A friend gave it to me thinking it was an austrolarp like the other one. But it was very noticable that it was not. Hoping it's a hen. Any help would be appreciated.
  4. Eelantha

    Olive Eggers vs Isbars: Which Breed is Better?

    On one side we have the ultra-rare breed whose name is the Isbar, known as the only purebred and single comb chicken that lays green eggs on earth. On the other side we have Olive Eggers, known to most people as Rooster Marans x Ameraucana hen hybrids (though there are other cross varieties...
  5. SoCalChicky

    Blue and Splash marans

    Hey there! Was on here a lot a few years back finding breeders and researching, and then took a long break. Now I'm back since I finished working on my line. I am getting some good color on my eggs! Love my marans!
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