
  1. chickenchicklady

    Free range in the orchard?

    My husband and I would like to allow our chickens to free range in our pranced. Our question is this: will they eat the leaves on our bushes and trees? We already know they will eat the fruit/berries.
  2. Drumstick63

    Besides layer feed

    I feed my 3 hens layer feed in a continuous feeder (I guess that’s what you call it 😆) and in the late morning I also give them usually cabbage, apples,broccoli,carrots and whatever else I buy or have around or other veggie and fruit. Is this ok, they expect this everyday (I have had them a few...
  3. amynw

    Geese eating plums

    Hello everyone, I was making fruit salad on my back porch and my little geese children are always right beside me. I was in the process of cutting up plums and I put the plum pits in a pile on the table. One of my geese hopped up on the chair and ate a plum pit off the table before I could even...
  4. carolineamur

    Elioenai Farm

    keeper of goats, chickens, ducks & k-9s❤️ And a garden with veggies and fruit trees Reva Virginia
  5. finchickens

    Can chickens eat fallen apples?

    Hi! New to this site. Planning on gettting three chickens for my backyard. But I have a apple tree that drops A LOT of apples. Not sure the type of apple (medium size, green, sour) Will my chickens eat them? And is it bad if they do eat a lot of them (poison in seeds)? Thanks!
  6. ourlilfarm2015

    Berries & other Fruits

    Hello! I would like to start out by saying I have NO green thumb. We live on an acreage and between myself, my husband, and our toddler we eat a LOT of fruit. I would love to start a few fruit bearing plants on our property. I would love a variety. I have 1 old claw foot tub that I would like...
  7. PhillyDelcoChix

    Cheap and healthy natural snack for hens

    Hello all, Just checking in on what you guys have found your chicks love, especially fruits, veg, grains, herbs...anything that can be relatively inexpensive and/or even better: grown in my backyard!!! 🍅 🌽 🌶🥒🍎🥬🍓🍍🍏🍌🥕🍒🥭🍈
  8. tacCab

    Hello from Central Texas

    Our family lives in Central TX and currently has 14 chickens/hens. We owned chickens for approx. five years. We own barred rocks, lacy wyndottes, americaunas, long island reds and leghorns. They free range the back fenced in yard by day and are cooped up at night. Husband mounted a coop he...
  9. A

    Leftover fruit from Kombucha second ferment

    Hi, Can I give my hens the leftover fruit from the second fermentation from my kombucha homebrew? Or is it better off in the compost? Thank you! Amy
  10. SplashyDashyChicksHatchi

    Help me identify this plant please!

    I found this plant behind my house and am not sure what kind it is, if it is edible, or practically anything about it. Can someone give me some information? I thought it was a green zebra tomato at first but it has a lot of seeds inside like a pepper plant. When I took one off and brought it...
  11. Josie670

    Cool chicken treat

    Hi all, It's so hot and I've found a nice and easy cold treat to give your chickens. My girls absolutely loved it and made a complete mess! Get a tub of water with a couple of ice cubes to keep it cool. Add some frozen berries (3 quid from Tesco) and sliced up watermelon. That's it and it...
  12. oregonkat

    Anyone else have a serious reduction in orchard fruit this year?

    My orchard is young, this is year 6. I have almost no fruit on my trees this year. Last year my pears and my apples were heavy, well not heavy, heavy but with enough fruit to need thinning. This year I have probably a third of that? I am afraid that our bee/pollinator populations must be...
  13. M

    Chicks and fruit

    Hello all! Mama of 3 beautiful silkie chicks ranging in age from 6 days old- 2 1/2 weeks old. At what age did you start introducing treats such as fruit and veggies? What were your first offerings?
  14. Henrybelle

    What’s wrong with my pullets?! They will hardly try any fresh fruit or veggie scraps

    It’s not like I’m offering them rotten or moldy not even wilty scraps , literally fresh scraps and they want nothing to with them?! Lettuce nope! Watermelon nah! Cucumber fat chance! A couple will appear interested but they taste once or twice and look at me like I’m crazy. Am I crazy? They are...
  15. Arielle2

    Raising and Growing Our Organic and Not- So-Organic Foods

    One thread encompassing the breadth of producing food for our table ..... and our poultry. More and more evidence is supporting organic. Food without pesticides, herbicides, and general-cides. Many are endocrine disruptors, primarily affecting estrogen. When I look around the market place to...
  16. H

    No taste for greens

    Hi everyone, My chickens somehow just hate veggies. Brocoli, Spinnach, Silverbeat, Carrots, Cabbage, And any other veggies ( Greens in particular ), They won’t eat. They get plenty of grass and bugs to eat, We feed them lots of fruit, Meat, Infact I make them fruit smoothies ( Out of scrap...
  17. SkyFree

    Bobwhite Quail, Fruits, & Winter Fattening

    Hey guys :) This is the first year we've had bobwhite quail. We have ten Jumbo Wisconsins we hatched in spring. My question is this: what kinds of fruit can they eat, and what kinds can't they eat? There's rather low amounts of info on raising bobwhites on the internet so I've turned to BYC. I...
  18. naivetefarm

    Fruit tree over run attracting predators

    So... I used to tractor my birds, but my home-made coop and run were very heavy and when I became pregnant last year, I decided to just park them permanently under a tree that had low branches so that the birds would have plenty of shade during out hot summers. Everything worked great last...
  19. PattJ

    Why are citrus fruits bad for chickens?

    I have read many posts on here about poisonous or otherwise prohibited foods, but other than one mention that citrus makes eggs taste funny, and another that it interferes with calcium absorption, I can't find any really definitive explanation of why citrus is bad. Is ANY citrus bad, or are...
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