giant egg

  1. ChickenGirl300

    Today I Saw The Largest Chicken Egg I Have Ever Seen

    Today, I checked the nesting box when I went outside with my chickens. I always to that, and I was hoping for two, maybe three eggs. But what I was NOT expecting was one massive goose-sized egg. I have never seen one so large. I've seen a few double yolkers when they were younger, but I'd be...
  2. Lazy Farmer

    Dinosaur Egg OMG!

    Dinosaur Egg. POOR CHICKEN. :oldYES THIS IS REAL! Was in my egg house 10 mins ago.. (Edited insert on Sunday 3/4/18 below) Who would of thought that this thread would take off like it did? So for a time saver for BYCers whom just want to see the Pics w/o scrolling forever, I put...
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