goose egg hatching

  1. ElGoose

    Polly has started laying <3 any tips?

    I’ve only ever had experience with hatching via incubator, so I’m new to having a goose that’s laying her own clutch! I figured i should let her do the work, but wanted to know if there’s any important advice that I need to know if I’m letting my goose hatch her own 🥺 she’s only about 10 months...
  2. E

    Looking for Fertilized Geese Eggs

    I know it isn’t the typical laying season, but does anyone have any fertilized goose eggs they’d be willing to sell? I want to add 1-2 geese to our flock. We have appropriate accommodations indoors for goslings. TIA!
  3. Mama_Arty

    Can Some Eggs Be Quiet ?

    Hi there. I have 2 goose eggs incubating. My first incubating eggs ever. I know - what a choice for a first time. Lol They have had their air cells draw down, shadowing in the air cell the last couple of days. They have grown well and everything seems okay but (pun intended) I haven't hears a...
  4. felys

    Goose egg - hatching

    I have a goose egg that is on day 28 of incubation. I don't know what breed it is. Parents are white ... So maybe they are Chinese? I saw shadowing inside the egg this morning. Shadowing means it's about to hatch? Is it hatching too soon? Should I make an air hole after the internal pip...
  5. BlackRaven27

    Goose Egg Size Differences - underweight?

    Hello all! I have 4 beautiful Pilgrim geese, nd this is their first year laying. They started about 9 days ago. I have a serious difference in egg size between them and I'm worried about incubating the smaller eggs. When I originally hatched my 4 girls, their eggs were larger like the ones in...
  6. Reebz

    Goose egg CHIRPING when I TURNED it! Advice/Help???

    Hello, my name is Rhi. Thank you for letting me be part of this community :) I am completely new to incubating eggs. During this UK lockdown I thought I’d try my hand at some Embden goose eggs I got given. The first batch (just two eggs) I unfortunately had no success with. However, my...
  7. Goose_Goose

    Can chicken hatch goose eggs?

    I have broody goose that is sitting on geese eggs. They are due to hatch in 4 days. Last year my goose had a problem with hatching the eggs when the babies startedd pipping. She had crushed the egg when the baby created a hole in the shell. This year I was planning to put the eggs under my...
  8. F

    4/4 Pilgrim goose egg incubation and hatching!

    Thank you to everyone who gave me advice over the past couple of weeks! It was my first incubation and I'm a born worrier so you're patience was appreciated. I had 4 pilgrim goose eggs shipped and all hatched, and I primarily followed this post's guidance for incubation...
  9. F

    How long from "shadowing" to internal pip?

    My 4 pilgrim goose eggs air sacs "dipped down" on Monday (3 days ago) and yesterday I noticed the shadowing around the lower edge of the air sac (when it's facing the correct way up). It looks like something pressing up against the air sac membrane trying to break it in little fluttery irregular...
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