healing bumblefoot

  1. G

    Bumblefoot Post Surgery Concerns

    Hey guys, I once again need yalls help. I have a chicken who has had bumble foot for the last few weeks. A few days ago we decided to perform a surgery to remove it. It was our first time attempting this, but we tried our best. We removed the top layer of skin and the black spot that was on her...
  2. Angelove

    Minor foot infection with scab not healing

    One of my girls got a minor cut on her foot in the end of February, it became slightly inflamed but no black. I treated it with polysporin, preparation H and a neoprene duck shoe changed before bed every night for 3 weeks. Pretty much all of the swelling went down and and the scab was super tiny...
  3. F

    Bumblefoot question.. hard foot pad

    hi! Two of my girls have had bumblefoot for about 2 weeks now. I have been treating daily with Epsom salt foot soaks (5 min) and spraying Theracyn. Lovey had her larger scab removed and a nugget and some pus came out behind it. JoJo has it on both feet, no surgery yet. I have changed treatment...
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