heat source

  1. Oob Child

    Keeping baby warm?

    Just had a quail chick hatch that needs separation from the others, and I'm not sure what to do in terms of heating. The only two heat lamps I have are either way too hot or too cold. Does anyone know how I could cool down the hot one or what else I can get? I can't afford another heating plate...
  2. LunaMarieWolf


    I had 3 chicks hatch today. And 2 have already pipped. I am keeping the chicks inside because I have no way to keep them outside. My Father doesn't want to have them in the house and argues that it is warm enough for baby chicks to be outside WITHOUT A HEAT LAMP!! I have a brooder set up in...
  3. harice4806

    Adjusting to new space?

    I have a 6 week old BR pullet and six 3-wk old (hopefully all) pullets. The 6 wk old is a weasel attack survivor. So she got new siblings and has been a GREAT big sister. Yesterday was day one in the outdoor brooder. Nice big space. Several roosting areas, feed, water, and heat plate. Out of...
  4. harice4806

    Outdoor brooder heat source?

    Recently I've converted part of my coop into what I hope to use as a brooder for future chicks. My conconc is the hear source. I'm terrified of using my standard red-bulb heat lamp that I've used in the past. Read of too many coop fires. However I'm concerned the brooder heater I bought won't be...
  5. sumlbro

    Heating Brooder

    I live in SW Louisiana and its already reaching into the high 80s/low 90s during the day and around 65-70 at night so I have had them outside in the coop given the warm temps and they have done fine so far. Storm blew through last night so I brought my bittys inside because of the rain/wind/cold...
  6. BrandonMcfly

    Chicken heating?

    Hello I have two cute girl red link chickens and it's been getting cold at night 60s I know not cold everyone but it's cold for us where we live. I let my babies run around outside and everything during the day they also go inside when they'd like during the day but at night I bring them into...
  7. J

    Heat lamps

    Hello, I'm getting my first two chicks to handraise. I have a 150 watt infrared lamp and I was just wondering if this would be okay for them? I've been told 250 watt but I just wanted to check if 150 watt would do?? Thanks in advance.
  8. K

    Raising meat chicks outside in winter?

    A week ago I bought 12 Cornish crosses to raise for meat (supposed to be ready in 9 to 11 weeks). I have an old wood garden shed in my backyard, and I've put them in there. I built a box out of 2x4s and chicken wire, put a layer of straw down, then stacked a bale on each side of the box to help...
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