
  1. gluckgluck9000


    Hi, I have been using a heat lamp in my little coop for a little over a year (only in winter) I live in Colorado, the winters aren't horrible here but they can be very long and can get pretty cold with the snow. I really want some outside opinions on the use of a heat lamp. I know they are a...
  2. H

    New to winterizing my flock

    Hi All. I'm a fairly new chicken "farmer" & loving this hobby! It certainly is an addiction! I have so much fun with them! We got our first chickens in May. I live in Duluth MN, just on the outskirts of city limits and I free range my girls and lock them up at night. I started with 4 hens...
  3. wingzrooke

    When to take heat lamp off birds?

    My birds are now about 2 1/2 - 3 1/2 weeks old (three are older than the rest). They have most of their feathers in, except for the runt. We've moved them out of the brooder into the big cage now, but my question is: when do we take off the heat lamp. Our place is air-conditioned, so I don't...
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