hello from texas

  1. theorganicchick

    Hi y'all! I'm New :)

    Hi y'all! My name is Hayley and I've had my girls for about 3 years now. My husband (the Chicken Daddy) and I hand raised our flock. Were hoping to add a few more this spring! I have 7 girls, all different breeds from Black Sex-Link (penguin), Brahma (Brahma Mama), Silver Lace Wyandotte...
  2. Mansruin1313

    Hello and HELP!

    Hello everyone! :frow I have2 chickens and 1 rooster. I’m not sure what type they are but I do know all 3 are different. My little tiny what I believe is a fancy smaller breed has 3 new little chicks and they’re adorable. We have a VERY unruly rooster named Rick and he’s a real prick. He attacks...
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