help aggressive hen

  1. Emily02037aj

    Domineering Hen

    Hello! I got heritage turkey hen whos being VERY domineering to me. I've done a lot of things but this is the second time she's actively went for my face, I like to think I understand turkey body language and behavior as far as my hens go; but I don't know what she wants:barnie for history she...
  2. Owen_Blandford

    My hen is broody and won't get up, What do I do?

    Hey guys, I have a hen who has been sitting on her eggs for 2 days straight. What do I do to stop the broodiness and get her off the eggs? Thanks
  3. C

    Hen attacking me over TSC chicks—

    My hen, Tiffany, went broody beginning of last month. Lost all but one chick, “Lucky”, on hatch day. I took Lucky away and kept her inside her in the brooder to keep her alive in case Tiffany was killing them or something. Chick was lonely, started imprinting on me on day 1 and freaked out...
  4. minicoopers

    Hen helping with hatching

    Hi all, need your help. I am hatching Silkies with a broody Maran. This will be the Maran’s 2nd time hatch. I just saw one egg is starting to open, the outer layer of the shell is off in some places. As I watched the mom started pecking aggressively at the egg and when it was moving around I...
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