
  1. Frodo the Pekin

    NEED HELP ASAP! Duckling has seizures, nutritional issue?

    My 3-4 week old duckling has been having these seizures a couple of timed per day and I'm so afraid she might die from it. What she does is she suddenly starts shaking her neck, falling down and throwing her neck on her back. One such seizures from today is on the video linked below. I am...
  2. baileybiddi

    HELP! Egg broke inside of chicken?

    I noticed one of my hens acting off today. When I picked her up, I noticed this coming out of her. It looks like a soft shelled egg that broke/got stuck. I felt inside and it feels like there are broken egg shells. I’m currently giving her an Epsom salt bath, what else should I do for her?
  3. Kitkat1992

    Need help assisting duck egg....asap

    28 days incubation period last 3 days have been lockdown Made a safety hole this morning Externally Pipped slightly by the safety hole I assisted by chipping some of shell away to better understand what was going on yolk is still being absorbed Chirping Beak motions still present (chewing)...
  4. WalnutTree

    URGENT any human antibacterial medicine to use on chickens?

    :hit In about 2 hours i will be helping a friend with a large hen flock infested with lice, mites, overgrown hen spurs, bumblefoot, and overall animal neglect.  As this was short notice i do not have most material access!! I am a teen not a pro!! although ive researched and owned chickens...
  5. U

    Help!!! Not sure of shrinkage

    Visiting my mother who hatches silkies. Her turken hatched 4 chicks on her and left 3 eggs wouldn’t sit on them at all unless we made her. So I was going toss the eggs like my mother asked of me but heard chirping coming from both eggs. One did get stepped on my either the turken or another...
  6. A

    Using brand name: Optimum Vitamin B-Complex for pekin ducklings

    I have provided the nutritional facts about this certain brand, I was wondering if I could use it for a duckling, and if so, how to properly dose it, as in cutting the pills or something like that. Please help, one of my ducks seems to have niacin deficiency, so I want to get that sorted before...
  7. Avadrawzstuff

    What’s wrong with my hen?

    Okay so I walked out into my chicken coop to check up on the girls and I see my hen is tripping over everything looks like she’s trying to lay an egg tail down her butt is full of dried poop head down comb looks purple-Ish and is not at all bright red like it should be she keeps laying down and...
  8. Chickenwithnobrim


    I was trimming my chickens nails with a dremel, holding her on her side. I was holding one leg while my girlfriend was holding the other because that was the only way to keep her from kicking. She started panting but i figured it was normal because she was scared/ Hot. I kept it under 5 minutes...
  9. ItsYelik

    Found silkie lethargic (POSSIBLE SHOCK) with laceration near eye

    I’m not sure how long she had been out there, but we found our 4 month old silkie lethargic with blood in her nostrils. She’s very cold, lethargic, and can barely hold her head up, but she’s fighting fluids by syringe. She was introduced to our flock along with another 4month silkie roo about 2...
  10. CherryCord

    Day Old Duckling Not Eating Or Drinking

    Okay so starters this little guy had some issues hatching. I don't know what happened exactly but when it pipped externally there was blood on the membrane. A good bit of it. If I had to guess I think it tried to hatch too early. As when it did hatch it had not fully absorbed the yolk and what...
  11. CherryCord

    Egg Pipping for over 48 hours

    So I noticed on Friday at about 8 or 9 in the morning that one of my eggs had just barely begun to Pip. It is now 10pm on Sunday. I can hear the baby actually peeping in the egg but it has yet to zip. Should I be concerned? It's been at least 61 hours since I firat noticed it pipping. Also...
  12. marleyfisher6

    I need help asap

    I have a little baby chicken which is sick. We have 11 but only the sick one is a hen. she won’t open her eye, and slowly falling asleep. one eye is open the other i put water on to moisturize it and I noticed that it’s I was not in the right place and it was blue. I don’t know what’s wrong with...
  13. B

    Penicillin Overdose, help! ❤️

    I am so embarrassed to post this but am in desperate need of advice - I have overdosed my poor bantam rooster with penicillin and he his hanging on but am unsure of what to do from here. I have been giving him 3cc for 2 days now and he probably only weighs 3lbs. Yesterday I gave 3cc TWICE and...
  14. J

    rooster sneezing

    my two year old rooster has been sneezing since monday it’s friday now i have cleaned his cadge out twice is it possible i need to clean the water for him to stop sneezing i’m confused help i’m not that concerned because he is only sneezing but when he sneezes he slightly gasps???
  15. My duck can’t walk

    My duck can’t walk

    My duck can’t walk. I’ve had this problem in the past with this duck, which was fixed With Niacin. But it’s not seeming to work. Unfortunately I think we’ll have to put her down, I don’t want to but I think she’s in pain. We’re gonna take her to the vet to see what they can do, but if they can’t...
  16. ChickChic00

    Weird bug on chicken

    Anyone know what kind of bug this is.it almost looks like a weird tick. Found about 20 or so on one of my laying hens. All the hens (6) haven't laid a single egg in about 2-3 days. They seem completely healthy. Just held one of them and found this. Any help is appreciated!!
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