hen 3 year old

  1. R

    Hen struggling to walk

    Hello everyone, I have a 3.5 year old Australorp who I love dearly that has suddenly lost the ability to walk. For the last 1-2 months she has been just a little bit wonky when walking, I figured due to her diet because she hasn't been eating as much as she should. Until recently (a week ago)...
  2. sacredsycamorefarm

    My hen is making gurgling/gargling sounds.

    Today, I woke up, and when I went to release my goats from the barn, my chicken had been left inside the barn somehow. But something strange is that she was making gurgling/gargling sounds like she was gargling water as a human would. She is usually more skittish, but she barely moved when I...
  3. R

    Hen's eye has been injured

    Hello all! I'm a first time chicken owner and I arrived back from school and discovered my splash-Australorp, Tincel, with an eye injury, she was just standing underneath some shelter not being very active (it was raining at the time). I checked on her and discovered her eye was swollen up as...
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