herding dog

  1. D

    My helper

    My Finnish Lapphund is a natural herding dog. I used to have trouble returning chickens to their coop. Pup watched me once and took over the job. Despite the loud squawking he never touches them. Only trouble is he repeats this every few hours all day long.
  2. ShrekDawg

    Border Collie Appreciation Thread!!!!

    Let’s see those Border Collies!!! I know there have been other similar threads featuring all herding breeds, etc. and I do love all the herding breeds myself but wanted to create a Border Collie specific one this time as they’re such cool dogs. :love I didn’t see one specifically for Border...
  3. HippieAtHeart

    Introducing Dogs to chickens with success?

    I have a 6 year old Australian Cattle dog (ACD) named Rusty and a 6 year old Boston Terrier named Pip. I had my son last June and since then have been a stay at home Mom. This summer is the first summer of starting our goal of living off our acre more, and part of that is getting chickens for...
  4. ShrekDawg

    Aussie or Border Collie? Which is your favorite and why!?

    Title basically says it all but I want to know for those of you that have either breed, or even just fans of the breed, which is your favorite and why? And if you have them, what made you choose one breed over the other? I love all the herding breeds and am considering one of these two breeds...
  5. ShrekDawg

    Australian Shepherds (Aussies)

    Anybody here have Australian Shepherds? I love them and am considering getting one or another herding breed but would like opinions on them and what they are like to live with and stuff like that. I have done research and understand that they are usually pretty high energy and often somewhat...
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