
  1. E

    Treating perosis/slipped tendon in chicks - vet visits

    Hey guys, I just wanted to do some knowledge sharing. I just lost my first chick today, she died during a vet performed surgery from heart failure. Some chicks with perosis also have heart problems and there was also the additional risk with her being only 4 weeks old. She was a runt, about...
  2. BlackRaven27

    Goose With Hot Hock and Worsening Limp

    Hello all, I have a young gander and 4 young hens that all wander around my property under mild supervision during the day. My gander developed a slight limp about 4 days ago, and one of my hens developed a limp 2 days ago. My gander is now limping very noticeably, the hen not so much. I...
  3. A

    Swollen leg

    My pekin suck has a swollen leg. It looks mainly like it’s her hock joint. She has been limping otherwise no other symptoms. I brought her in to isolate her. I let her float around in a bathtub yesterday for a few hours and gave her an Epsom salt soak for 20 mins. I also applied vetericin on her...
  4. T

    Slipped tendon in 7 week chick?

    I checked on my chick today had it wasn't walking around properly. When I got it when it was around 1 day old it had a slipped tendon. I fixed that in the first 2 weeks and no issues were seen for 5 weeks. It just turned 7 weeks today and it looks like the tendon may have slipped out of place...
  5. Angeltears247

    Help! 6 Wk old Duckling with feet that turn inward can't walk!!!

    My sweet little Black Swedish duckling Forrest has had a rough run of things in her life so far! We noticed she walked a little funny when we brought her home, but as ducklings sort of bobble around we figured she was just getting her legs about her. As time has progressed she has gotten worse...
  6. chickachickayea

    Chick struggling to walk (video&pics)

    Prada, my 3 month old CCL, is struggling to walk, and I'm not quite sure if it's a slipped tendon, sprain or something else... X-posted this to the FB forum last night with not much response, hoping to have better luck here... She was on chick starter when I got her in April until I moved them...
  7. Clare Mosko

    Severely crippled chick walking only on hock joints

    I just got a 1 or 2 day old golden red pheasant chick that is very uniquely crippled. It does not have splay leg, which I've treated (even severe cases) before. The chick walks (barely) on its hock joints with its shanks and feet upward. Imagine a person walking on their knees with their feet...
  8. J

    Duckling with dislocated leg at hock

    Hi everyone, First, a little bit of background: I have a little mallard duckling that is the youngest out of 9 ducklings we currently have. The rest of the ducklings are mixed Pekins and we hatched them ourselves. The mallard was several days late for hatching and got stuck in the egg so...
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