
  1. gema

    I need help with treating an illness / disease with most of my chickens

    Hello People, I've had a couple of amazing chickens so far and There's a person that have chickens too like over the other wall and their chickens come to eat the food I throw out for some chickens I got my other chickens kept in coops and I go inside their coops to feed them and They can't come...
  2. Sero

    My rooster has these weird warts

    My rooster has these mole looking bumps on his comb and I don’t know if it’s from the heat or its the beginning of avian pox. Here is some photos
  3. Tunie B

    Mysterious disorder in the Cookies and Cream hybrid

    I ordered two cute Cookies and Cream pullets from Meyer Hatchery for an April 2023 hatch date. They arrived safely and are very sweet and cute. However—Cardi Beak began having mobility issues before she left the brooder (in fact, I posted here about her). Nothing has worked—vitamins, making...
  4. EasterChickens

    ‼️HELP‼️ Leghorn hen sick/lethargic?! Possibility of vent gleet?

    Hello everyone, I have a 2 year & 9 month old leghorn hen that just started to show signs of sickness 1 day ago. I'm pretty sure she is not eggbound because she did lay an egg yesterday. She did not lay an egg today though (usually she lays daily). She is still eating and drinking but not as...
  5. FoxInTheFarmHouse

    Dead Chicken Red Skin Around Eye

    Update: I didn't realize this post was made and essentially redid it after finalizing signing up for an account. The other post is a bit more detailed. I am fairly new to chickens and had a chicken die. When she was found, she was on her side with her legs stretched out. There is no sign of...
  6. 7

    Puff leeaking eyes

    We originally purchased a #17 sickly red sex-links. After 6 weeks 3 survived a closed eye, illness. After 4 months of the three healthy birds I hatched #40 chicks, mix id Rhode island reds and barnyard mix. These are now about 12 weeks old. This morning I found a 12 week old with a puffy eye...
  7. C

    Slightly black spots & ends of comb

    My hen just developed some blackening on her comb, little spotty by isolated to the ends. It isn’t dirt that I can rub or wash off and it’s definitely not frostbite, I’m in WA where we just had days of record high heat. Any ideas? Thanks!
  8. C

    Lethargic & In nesting box all day, not broody

    Hey everyone, My pullet (she hasn’t laid yet but she’s overdue) has spent the majority of the last 2 days in the coop/around nesting boxes. When she’s out she’s a lot slower, she used to run everywhere. She’s eating & drinking but not from her normal feeders only from foraging. I saw her...
  9. cadenrupp

    Chicken Acting Lethargic and Sick

    A couple of hours ago, I went outside to feed our chickens and noticed one of them was lying in the middle of the run with her head tucked underneath her wing. I didn’t think much of it because of how cold it’s been (around 0°F). When the chickens noticed the food, they all chased me around...
  10. danceonweeds

    2 week old Chick Wheezing/Crackling & Now nasal discharge

    Hope this finds everyone staying healthy during this crazy time. Two weeks ago we adopted 9 chicks. We got 4 Americana and 1 Red Sexlink from a local feed store. We also got 2 Fayumi & 2 Sumatra from Wilco. They were all vaccinated against Mericks, and less than a few days old. They have...
  11. LilMissChick

    Do chickens ever seem sick before laying 1st egg?

    i have a 24 week old Faverolles who has not laid her first egg yet. Tonight I noticed her just now waking very. Slowly then hunching up and pulling her head in. She was shaped like a football. Then she laid down and tucked her head in to sleep. I woke her up to try to feel if there was an egg...
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