i'm new

  1. ButtercupandReedthecomets


    I’m new to chickens and BYC. I have 6 chickens! (4 are golden comets and 2 are buff orpingtons)
  2. A

    New Chicken Parents

    Hi all, My wife and I are new Chicken parents as of 3/5. I used to raise ducks as a kid but from what I've learned from my oldest daughter, "Chicken Lady" is that the peeps are more sensitive to raise than ducks so taking every precaution necessary to make sure they're healthy. We have a...
  3. Samantha Stevens

    New emu parents, and current peacock and chicken owners say Hi

    Hello everyone, nice to meet you Our animals (so far!) include 5 chickens, 3 Peafowl, 3 emu chicks, 7 white doves, 1 cat (Maine Coon), and 10 fish. Hopefully I can not only receive your very kind help and advice, but possibly also give some of my own :) Hope to make friends here very soon...
  4. MeowthLover_ThatsRight

    Hello everyone!!

    Hello!! Im new, and here are the answers to the sample questions: 1. I first got chickens almost 2 years ago! I gotta say, Im kind of a newbie 😅 2. I have 20 chickens right now!! 3. I have six americaunas, five black australorps, three brahmas, one buff orpington, one Rhode island red, two...
  5. paisleyblue

    Introducing myself

    (1) Are you new to chickens / when did you first get chickens? I've had chickens when I was younger but that was a while ago (2) How many chickens do you have right now? I have a rooster named Too and two chicks named Dixie and Chick (3) What breeds do you have? My rooster I have no clue my...
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