
  1. Relleoms

    Hen hasn’t pooped in over 2 days

    I found our 5 year old Easter Egger sitting in the nesting box two nights ago, and thinking she was egg bound, brought her in the house for observation. She had very dirty tail feathers and upon inspection, I did not feel an egg stuck so I gave her a tums and let her sleep for the night. In the...
  2. Chickenwithnobrim

    Chick eating sticks

    So ive got a container full of spagnum peat moss for them to dirtbathe in and they are 3 weeks now, been dirtbathing since 1 week. Today one chick ate a large chunk of twig that was decomposing in the mixture. I saw it in her beak and she immediately ran away like a toddler and as soon as my...
  3. Aprilxoxo

    swollen preen gland

    hi i have a quail that has developed a swollen preen gland. she eats game pellets and fresh leafy vegetables as her diet. there was a huge amount of rainfall lately and with clay soil it stayed damp for quite a bit. after the rain i was checking all the quails and she was the only one with a...
  4. S

    Dog attack, crop impaction, and respiratory issues

    Here is my previous post about Val’s dog attack. The saga continues! She’s been doing well after having her egg removed. Some feathers are growing back but the worst wounds are still healing and scabbed up. I’ve let her outside a few times in short visits to be a chicken, she seems good. BUT...
  5. Janzen

    Need help: Chick with an inflated crop..foamy vomit

    I have a 6 day old chick with a very huge crop, filled with foam. Background/environmental conditions: Because a few had pasty butt, at the advice of the hatchery, I tried some raw ACV in their water. The chick feed I have used is Manna Pro medicated chick starter. Bedding is pine shavings and...
  6. J

    Chicken had broken soft-shelled egg inside her; likely impacted crop. Need guidance before it's too late.

    Hi BYC community; my little Virgilia is almost 2 years old - she's a golden commet. yesterday she sat in the nesting box all day, fluffed up like a broody hen. but then i noticed egg white in her poop. and then later she passed what looked like a mangled soft shelled/malformed egg along with a...
  7. Blue Raptor

    Tumor in chicken?

    Hello BYC! My SLW has a swollen abdomen, a poor appetite and is thin, and has impacted crop. She has no outward appearances of a sick chicken other than slowness. I though she may have a tumor, and I’m treating her crop now- suggestions for what this is and how to treat? 🙁
  8. F

    Impacted crop?

    I have a lovely, friendly hen who, about 4 days ago, wouldn't leave the nesting box (no she is not broody) and when I open the box her feather puff out as if in pain. So I assumed impacted egg, since she hadn't laid that day and she often gives me double yokers. On day 2 I soaked her in an epsom...
  9. E

    Constipated Hen

    Need help. 2nd time in 3 weeks, my hen has become constipated. The first time around, she came in the house for 4 or 5 days, got epsom salt baths for 20-30 minutes 3-5 times daily with massages, Nutridrench and Rooster Booster in water. She ended up prolapsing, at which point I was able to soak...
  10. WatkinsCluckers

    Impacted Crop

    I have a Silkie hen that her crop is huge and will not go away over night. I took her to the vet on Friday and they said that the X-ray (yes, I spent way to much for this hen) shows that everything in there looks like it can pass and I need to give her these drops and quarantine her from the...
  11. chickpeasoup

    Impacted Crop Advice

    One of my hens has an impacted and pendulous crop. So far I haven't fed her in 24 hours in hopes the impaction would pass (it hasn't). I gave her oregano oil which she hated and I have been giving her massages. I suspect it's been 3 days that her crop has been impacted. Her crop is one solid but...
  12. MotherOfChickens

    Impacted crop

    Ugh... one of my hens has an impacted crop. When I felt her crop this morning it was hard like a baseball. I massaged it and it softened up a smidge. Feels like it is full of grit. Does olive oil really help it get moving?
  13. SpringbankFamilyFarm

    Impacted/sour crop i think?

    Hi everyone...i bought 3 Lavender Pekins from my local market a couple of weeks ago and 2 are perfectly fine, but my littlest one isnt. I thought it was sour crop originally as when i went to pick her up, a creamy liquid came out of her mouth and i held her upside down for a few seconds until it...
  14. L


  15. S

    5 Week Old Chick Sour Crop?

    Hello, We have a 5 week old Americana chick that seems to be having issues with its crop. I have been reading up on the Sour Crop and Impacted Crop and having issues troubleshooting. The chick is fully active pooping, eating and drinking lots of water so I’m a little confused on...
  16. K

    Impacted crop

    My hen has had an impacted crop (grass) for about 4-5 days now. I only noticed it 2 days ago. I’ve been giving her olive oil, ACV in her water, and crushed granite, and I’ve been massaging the crop. It started as a huge, hard baseball-size lump and now it’s about 2/3 of the size and squishy...
  17. B

    Why did grass kill my beloved hen?

    Almost a year ago, I got two silkies and a satin silkie from a breeder. I raised them up until they were ready to go outside, and they always had access to clean water, feed, and treats such as oats, strawberries, mangos, and grass. My satin, Popo, always loved grass the most. Although, their...
  18. Loona

    Flushing the crop?

    I talked to a few vets yesterday to see what they do for impacted crops. The Avian vet did the incision to clean the crop out. That w/a 2 day stay was 1000 dollars. Then got a call back from a farm vet who knew chickens very well, experienced and he suggested to flush it out. Another called...
  19. elissarules

    Older Hen with Slow Crop: Slow Crop Treatment with Updates

    Hey guys! I have an older hen who is a red comet. She’s about 5 or 6 years old... I’m not too sure. But she was recently molting, poor thing, and of course during the cold. I’m aware that she has frostbite on her comb, and she has an impacted crop. Another hen has feet lice and was wondering if...
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