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  1. pigeonpuddle

    Where to buy Indian Fantail Pigeons?

    I’m looking to buy an indian or mindian fantail soon, but i’m struggling to find any reliable breeders near me/can ship to me (austin, texas) and aren’t sold out. I’m specifically looking for an almond or beige/dilute-red hen. if anyone knows any breeders that breed those colors, please let me...
  2. urbanchickenadventure

    Seeking Crevecoeurs in Colorado

    This past summer we got lucky and found two Crevecoeurs and two Porcelain Leghorns to start us off on our chicken raising ventures. Sadly, I lost the flock leader, our big Crevercoeur, to a cat recently and would like to find at least one to two more to round out our flock again. Their...
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