
  1. Lowskizz

    Need help with my incubator

    Hello! I just made my first still air incubator from wood scraps. The size is 20 x 18 x 16 (lenght, height, and width). Lightbulbs are both 50w and there are 2 holes on the sides of the incubator about 1 inch. Was wondering if the lightbulb placement is okay and if there are other...
  2. Wrenshensffe

    Trio Cottage Incubator- First Time Hatching

    Hey everyone! I’m new to hatching chickens this year. I have my own flock now, and have been raising chicks since 21’. I’ve decided to try to hatch a few of my own to add some egg color variety. I’m wondering if any of you have successfully hatched out of a Trio Cottage incubator? (Listen, I...
  3. lolchickenlol

    Need Help

    I have chicken eggs and I have 1 roun duck egg the chicken eggs are 1 week apart and the duck 🦆 eggs are 3 days from the 2 week eggs what do I do when they are about to hatch I can’t take all the eggs off the turner because they might not hatch what do I do this is the incubator I have is there...
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