incubation day 7

  1. E

    Day 7 Egg Yolks Shifting

    My mother started incubating her duck eggs seven days ago. They're being hand turned 3-4 times a day, and she got them straight from a breeder, no shipping or rough handling besides brushing off the clumped mud and crap. Tonight while candling them she noticed multiple egg yolks were moving from...
  2. A

    Vein streaking Day 7 bumped incubator

    This is the third time I have incubated eggs. I candled a couple of the eggs to show my little brother what they looked liked. Between Friday and tonight (Sunday), the veining has changed on them. They are not as large as they used to be and now I have what looks like streaking of the veins on...
  3. Mal_03

    Air cells on wrong end of fertile eggs!

    Hi everyone! I'm extremely worried about my eggs, they're all from my 6 month old Cochin Bantam, as soon as she layed I put the eggs in the incubator, it's day 7 for egg 1 and it's developing well, can see some movement too but their cell is on the pointed end. I Candled the rest too and my...
  4. Clucklandia

    I wanna know more: Broody Japanese Bantams

    :frow Hello there! I got a 10 month old Japanese Bantam hen. She and her roo have made a great pair with her previous owner and has hatched eggs. Now that they are settled here, broodiness had begun! It's day 7 and they have 9 eggs. I wanna know more about them for now and in the future. Some...
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