
  1. Wandering_r0gue

    The Good and the Bad

    Checked on the birds this morning and had a couple of surprises: good and bad: The Good: I got my first Egg! The Bad: 2 of my Roos got into a fight and one was a bit bloodied. I cleaned him up and isolated him to recover. My Hen:Roo ratio is lower than I'd like, so probably a bit too much...
  2. G

    Roo's toe now bleeding

    In another post, I told how I thought my rooster toe had frostbite... maybe. (First pics) The toe tip was black underneath and the toe was swollen. I was content to let it do as it would and hopefully fall off. Update: It's been in the 40's to low 50's past few days, and I get home from work to...
  3. flutemomc

    How to keep a hen in the infirmary crate entertained and subdued!

    Our poor hen Henrietta has some internal injuries (confirmed by a vet who did x rays and found several spots of concern on her back and ribs) that most likely occurred from her falling off a perch during a rough molt and has been confined to the infirmary crate for a month!! She has only been...
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