inflamed vent

  1. SarahBarah0610

    Hen lethargic, huge inflamed abdomen, crusty smelly feathers,

    Our 1 year and 9 month old hen was starting to act funny last night, as she was going in the nesting box instead of the roosting bar at night. We thought she had a late egg. But this morning, I noticed she was standing still by the water, ignoring the food i had brought in. I picked her up to...
  2. T

    Egg bound, vent gleet, or??

    Advice appreciated! My chicken seemed fine then suddenly I noticed today her crop and under her vent were bulging. Either I didn’t notice anything sooner or it came on suddenly. It looks like her feathers are missing or just spread out a bit from the bulging, she has green/yellow diarrhea and...
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