injured toe

  1. Fangeddeer

    Ducks front middle claw ripped off completely, should I be worried?

    I took my ducks swimming like usual, then I noticed my little one had something red on their toe, I took them (Still unsure of gender) out of their carrier, and realized their whole nail was gone, now that’s left is this red thing. I think it’s the quick? It doesn’t seem to hurt them because I...
  2. F

    Need help with chooks sore possibly infected toe

    Basically my chook has an inherited genetic trait that adds an extra toe and this one ended up in a terrible place constantly creating friction against one of the main toes which created a decent hole and made the whole thing swell up to about the size of a thumb, she’s a decently small chook...
  3. Alderidgefarm

    Bleeding toe

    Hello! this am my uncles friends dog was trying to get in the coop and the birds were upset before I could get the dog out of there and my hen injured her toe in the coop scrambling around The nail is there but it’s a stub and it’s bleeding I’d like to know which product will help best for...
  4. C

    OH Chicken Toes!

    I went in to see my RI Red this morning I noticed that she again was very crippled. I found that the toe I thought was growing back, fell off last night! She doesn't seem to be in any pain, however, I don't know what a chicken in pain looks like. Eats, poops & drinks well. Will her toe grow...
  5. piperandpetunia

    Rooster missing toe

    One of my roos looks like he’s missing a toe and it might be infected. He has a limp that’s getting worse. What can I do to help him? He’s been enjoying Epsom Salt baths but he’s not getting any better.
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