
  1. How smart are chickens?

    How smart are chickens?

    How smart are chickens? As anyone who’s cared for chickens knows, chickens are sensitive animals, keenly attuned to dangers and changes in their environments. Those of us who spend time enjoying observing our flocks may also notice some special individuals who stand out, and are identifiable...
  2. WallyBirdie


    I like to say "Guineas are stupid people." And I say this with humor and affection. They can be clever... to an extent. But how smart are they? ALL of my guineas can easily jump/fly over the fence to free range. They do this regularly. This is intentional. But... getting them BACK into the pen...
  3. ilovebirds2010

    Diagnosing Chicken Disease using artificial intellegence

    Hello, I was wondering if anyone has ever downloaded an android app called "SaveTheChicken". It is supposed to use artificial intelligence to identify disease in poultry and almost instantly give you back the results. If this technology is legit, this is a HUGE asset for all of us chicken...
  4. P

    Smarter Turkey Breeds

    So I've often heard that turkeys are the dumbest fowl- but I prefer birds with at least half a brain cell, it seems to keep them out of a trouble a bit more around here. Does anyone have any opinions on specific breeds that tend to be smarter than others? I know it's very bird-dependent but I...
  5. WannaBeHillBilly

    How smart are ducks?

    Being an owner of five Indian Runners for just three months, having almost no past experience or exposure to ducks, my birds have baffled me several times: I saved six ducklings from the local store here that were about to be »recycled« - they were as thick as thieves and inseparable...
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