internal egg laying

  1. Barredrocker99

    I think my barred rock is dying, please help

    Hello! I desperately need help. I have a Barred Rock that I believe is laying internally, and I don’t know what to do. I discovered she wasn’t doing well when I picked her up and her abdomen was as hard as a softball. I tried to feel around in her vent, and I’m honestly not sure what I felt. The...
  2. H

    Egg Yolk Peritonitis Help!!!

    Hi all. So I have a 4-year-old RIR hen named Ruby who I adopted about a year ago now. She’s a fantastic girl. Really really sweet. She hasn’t ever laid an egg since I’ve had her and I assumed she was just done and was too old. But, recently, when the spring rolled around, she was sat in the...
  3. D

    I think she was laying internally

    I wanted to share my story since there didn't seem to be many answers, just a lot of questions. Here is the data I can add to the thread. My black sex link was two months shy of three years old. Before she got sick, she felt like she was a normal weight. After she got sick, she felt very solid...
  4. ChickenMama308

    Egg Yolk Peritonitis Diagnosis - does she have a chance?

    Hi everyone, so 10/27 I took Nani to the vet and sadly received an EYP diagnosis, exactly 3 weeks after I discovered something was off with her and along the way I've treated her for many different things trying to rule it all out. (She is a 2.5 y/o RIR who free ranges 24/7 and I don't even see...
  5. jeepgrrl

    Golf ball sized lump in abdomen

    Hi all, My Welsummer, Chipper, hasn't been eating very well lately and I've also noticed her walking around much slower, far back behind her sisters. Chip also hasn't been able to get up onto the lowest roost, which is only about 18" off the floor, and she has been sleeping on the floor for the...
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