joel salatin

  1. comish83

    All-Weather Millennium Feathernet Alternative For 50 Birds

    I plan on scaling up my operation later this year to 50 layers. I like the Millennium Feathernet that Polyface has, but I want something where I can keep the birds in a Northern Virginia winter as well. I plan on rotating 50 layers every week through one of 18 different 100' x 50' pasture...
  2. C

    A-frame or Joel Salatin tractor coop

    Hi! I am making a tractor coop this weekend I bought material to make an A-frame with a raised coop with nesting boxes with a hinge that can be accessed from the outside. It’s going to be 6ft by 8ft the height is about 5ft so I will be able to go inside. My best friend is also making a tractor...
  3. Wyndsong

    Abundance Plus app

    Anyone else joining Justin Rhodes Abundance Plus app? He's one of my favorite YouTubers and he's got almost all of my other ones making exclusive content for his app! Lots of informative videos and classes on there plus all his normal videos without ads or censorship. So far I'm loving it!
  4. chickenchicklady

    Going to get too cold for chickens?

    Hey! I just found out that we’re supposed to get snow in 7 days with a low of 21. I have 25 meat birds, and I knew I was cutting it close to the cold weather When I ordered them, but I wasn’t expecting it so soon. The only housing they have is a Joel Salatin style tractor, so it’s not totally...
  5. MotherOfPeepPeeps


    I have been in love with the idea of Egg-Mobiles ever since I first saw a YouTube video of Joel Salatin's laying hen setup on Polyface Farm. I just discovered five acres of nice level but overgrazed pasture that is available on a reasonable rent-to-own option. I am trying to crunch the numbers...
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