
  1. B

    Best alternative for grass?

    Was wondering if yll have any ideas on a great alternative to grass? I was originally thinking frogfruits but cannot find it anywhere on google whether it is toxic to chickens or not. I do let them out quite often so I do want something they can graze on. If you have any suggestions for sure...
  2. StinkyAcres

    Dry lube on mower deck safe?

    The recent grass clipping thread reminded me...I'm sick of grass sticking to the underside of my mower deck and creating nasty, moldy clumps that drop all over the lawn and driveway. I've heard of people spraying dry lube (graphite, silicone, or Teflon) to keep the grass from sticking. Will...
  3. E

    Chickens and dog have Giardia and have to share a yard ... what would you do?

    I don't know which got it first, but the vet has confirmed and issued treatment for Giardia in the dog, and based on stool observations at least one of my 3 hens has it too (who are all currently being treated with metronidazole and a probiotic supplement). All 4 animals are forced to share...
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    And I mean it!!
  5. C

    1 year of great eggs

    We got 3 beautiful burnt orange/brown laying hens from a friend about a year ago and have been enjoying great eggs most of this year, and learning about their behaviour, they are actually really entertaining and now follow us around, even into the house if the door is open! They don't even...
  6. Waterfowllady

    Wild Duck Enclosure plants/design

    Hi! Im looking into getting some wild duck species in the future, white faced whistling specifically but other species as well, and I was wondering about the construction of a pen for them. For one, how big it should be, two, what materials to use and how to properly protect it from predators...
  7. M

    Grass seeds?

    Hi all! My girls free range in my backyard. They don't pull up/dig up grass at all and in fact are keeping it trimmed so we don't have to mow or anything. We think we want to put down some grass seed since our backyard was patchy and funky before we even had a flock. Any grass you recommend...
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