
  1. Dimitar Zlatanski

    My baby chick has a big lump on his neck and can't walk

    Help! One of my newly hatched chicks has wounded hocks and a big soft lump on his neck. He can’t stand, nor walk, just crawles. Hi everyone, My problem I’m completely new to incubating eggs and just had my first 4 chicks hatch a few days ago. Three of them are doing fine; they walk around, eat...
  2. ShaliniW1985

    Deformed duckling legs

    So I’ve had these two khaki campbell ducklings for about a month and I’ve just noticed that they have somewhat deformed legs. Ones legs are turned inward, which I know can be normal, but the other has very weirdly messed up legs. One leg is stuck going forward and the other is far behind. She...
  3. Mduggar

    How do I help this rooster?

    So I have this rooster who has a backwards leg. I got around fine when it was little, but now he just stays in one place in the coop and moves very little. I have I hand feed him and he is very weak and skinny. Is there anything I can do for this little guy. He’s about 5 months old
  4. wingzrooke

    Cut on leg, and problem with bands

    So we put little elastic leg bands on our chicks when they were about a week to a week and a half old, but we thought they'd expand a little (being elastic). Just took them off, and apparently they don't expand at all. Will my quail's legs recover their thickness? It looks kind of like someone...
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