
  1. periwinkleclouds

    Ascites in older hen still refusing to stand up or eat

    Hello friends! I'm a bit in distress here and would appreciate any advice from more seasoned poultry caretakers. I've raised chickens since I was a little girl but I've never had something like this happen. I have a 6 y/o Golden Star (her name is Applesauce) that's past her years of laying...
  2. J

    Is my chicken molting or impacted?

    Hello everyone! I've just joined the forum today to take some of the guess work out of caring for my chickens. One of my hens, who is a buff orpington named Queeny, started acting a bit strange but I don't know whether to be worried or not. Her symptoms are tail down SOMETIMES and also...
  3. T

    does my chicken have worms or anemia?

    This morning when I went to go check on my chickens, I noticed my chicken, Gertrude, would not leave her coup. My other chicken ran out right away. Gertrude also suddenly has a very light pink waddle, and comb, and has lost a few pounds. She has also struggled with pooping all over her feathers...
  4. TinaMarieofFL


    I have a 18 month old Americauna that is lethargic and not eating well. She did not fuss AT ALL when I picked her up. She also seem very thin. I am a beginner at chickens so am looking for advice. She was laying around all day yesterday so I suspected perhaps she was egg bound. (she is also...
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