lone duck

  1. B

    Keeping grieving duck with chickens

    Hey all! New member here with a question. We have 4 hens and 2 ducks that have been raised together since 1 day old. They are around 3.5 months old. We had a dog get into our yard and kill one of our ducks unfortunately. We are moving soon, and plan to get more ducks when we move to our...
  2. Gracenotes

    What to do with one duck left?

    We live in town, and have pampered, played with, and loved two large white pekin ducks for over 2 years. Yesterday two foxes (never saw foxes in town before) got one of them. We used my son’s bb-gun and chased them away but I know they will come back now that they found a food source. What do I...
  3. L

    Chickens with a male and female duck! Help!

    Hello! This is my first post on here, even though I have been around for several years now (I just got a new account). I have a situation that I need your help with! Currently, my flock of chickens has dwindled down to 1 rooster, 4 hens. In an attempt to add to the flock, I am brooding 8...
  4. MallardMama19

    Drake gone, now just one hen left

    last night my husband forgot to put the ducks in, when he went out to their pen they were no where to be found, I assumed they found a place to bed down for the night which they have done before. However, this morning just then hen showed up in her pen, in they house was a single egg (my first...
  5. D

    Lone Female Duck

    I live in Anderson, IN. I have a lone female mallard in my lake. I was worried about her being all alone, but then she started hanging out with the geese. The geese don't seem to mind too much. She looks small so I don't think she's very old. I know she was not born here so she either...
  6. Alaskanfoul

    Single Duckling

    I have a single duckling (a few days old), who has completely attached herself to me. I have no problem taking her places with me, but was wondering if that’s safe/how to do that safely. Also, how should I deal with her at night? She doesn’t like being in the temprature controlled, duckproof box...
  7. MarlyMonster

    Anyone in eastern North America have a house duck?

    Hi lovely people! I’m gonna make this short, but I’ll give details when asked! 6 weeks ago I hatched a duckling that was the only one left from the eggs I incubated. Since he was alone I got him a friend from the hatchery his egg came from. However now he has passed so his sister is all alone...
  8. MarlyMonster

    Ontario (Muscovy) Duck lovers?

    Hi lovely people! I’m seeking out others in Ontario that have Muscovy ducks. I myself am near Toronto, bout an hour and a half north west in a small town. The reason I’m asking is because there’s a small possibility I might have to rehome one of my duckies :( It’s a long story but the gist...
  9. brooder

    One duck left... Now what should I do?

    Hi, I posted a thread last week about introducing new ducklings after I was left with only a drake and a hen due to a string of predator attacks. Well, I woke up this morning to find that a predator (allegedly the raccoon I caught in a live trap) had manged to get through my newly secured duck...
  10. K

    Recovering from weasel attack

    Hi folks, I've been a longtime lurker, and this is my first post. I wish I were posting under happier circumstances, but I am hoping to get some sound advice. Three nights ago a weasel got into the coop and killed three of our flock (2 ducks, 1 chicken). We now only have 1 duck and 1 chicken...
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