losing feathers on back

  1. S

    Peking duck losing feathers and skin turning black!!!!!

    Hi everyone! I have had my two pet peking ducks for over 6 years now. My oldest duck has been loosing some of his wing feathers for a while now but we thought he might just be molting. But overnight, the area under his wing has lost all feathers and the skin appears black/brown. It absolutely...
  2. SophiaLinn

    Chicken has bald back. Not mites or molting.

    Background: I have a hen who is definitely on the bottom of the pecking order, ever since she was introduced with 2 others a year ago (we followed all the rules of integrating chickens). She previously had a pecking wound on her head that I was able to heal. She is still picked on regularly and...
  3. S

    Chicken Losing Feathers/Feathers are stripped

    Hi Everyone, I am new to chickens in the last year, and one of my girls started looking a little rough a few weeks ago. At first she looked like she was moulting, but it's not really the time of year for that (I don't think?). Now all of a sudden overnight she is a mess. She is eating...
  4. TwoPitsInaPod

    Rough Rooster

    So I know that roosters can overmate the ladies when their are not enough ladies....but what do you do when you have enough hens and only one of them is getting beat up? I have a Barred Rock Roo who will be a year old in May I think, and I have 19 hens of various ages and breeds. He seems to...
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