low roosts

  1. M

    20+ Silkies New Coop Recommendations

    We currently have 21 silkies. They’re a great bunch! 🥰 I’d love to hear everyone’s ideas about their coop and run. We’re building and would like to give them an awesome space. Just need ideas on size. ESPECIALLY the fact that their roosts & boxes need to be low. TIA
  2. Raising the Roosts in a Small Coop

    Raising the Roosts in a Small Coop

    A while ago we bought a chicken coop for our 5 chickens. We soon found out that it will be too small. We will work on expanding it soon. BUT for the time being, we had another problem to focus on.... Our chickens were sleeping in the nesting boxes! They have had a habit to huddle together ever...
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