male and female

  1. M

    5 week Barred Rock Male or Female

    What do you think? Male or female? Larger than the silkie and blue laced red wyandotte around the same age. Comb much more pronounced.
  2. B

    Pullet or Cockerel

    This is my chick, Noodle, Orpington mix hatched the second week of October. Not sure what it is. The comb says cockerel but the feathers seem rounded? I’m scratching my head with this one
  3. Diveks

    Leghorn cockerel?

    Hello my old hen sat on some eggs and they hatched out at the end of february. Im horrible at sexing leghorns, i was sure this was a roo but i don’t see any saddle feathers but hackle feathers show otherwise, and today they started crowing? Pretty sure its a cockerel, can anyone confirm if i was...
  4. L

    Can I add a male Sebastopol goose with a Male Peking duck and 4 female Peking ducks?

    I have one male Peking and one female Peking. Thought I had two girls. Oops! I placed an order for more 3 more girl ducks for obvious reasons. I added a male Sebastopol goose to my order. Am I just shooting myself in the foot again? Will the male goose have a problem being around female ducks.
  5. A

    Muscovy Ducks: Female or Male?

    I know it can be difficult to tell through pictures but is there anyone that has an idea whether my two ducks are male or female?
  6. MolliMonster99

    Runner Ducks Mating Season?

    I have noticed my runners have started mating at almost 4 months old. The boys get on top of the girls in their pond and hold their necks down. It makes me anxious, but I know it is natural. I was wondering if ducks have a 'mating season'? Do they mate at a certain time of year only or is it a...
  7. G

    Bantam male or female

    Hi All! We have a 3 month old Bantam. Does anyone know if it is a male or female?
  8. HampethHens

    Can clb female chicks turn out to be cockerels?

    Hello all - this is my first post and probably one of many! I bought 3 female cream Legbar chicks and one male clb chick and they've all turned out different to each other. I've been in touch with the breeder and she's agreed that two of my hens are the wrong colouring (way too gold)but one...
  9. Littlefrenchyinbigtexas

    Gender and breed?

    Can you help me identify the gender and breed for some of these ducks please? I am mostly concerned about the gender of the big 4 ducks. I hope they are not all males or I would have to separate them from my mallard and blue Swedish. Also if you can tell the gender of the black blue Swedish. I...
  10. Boys polish chick? (Have video)

    Boys polish chick? (Have video)

    Hi. I have been wondered for a while that is my polish chick is boy or girl. Can you guys help me? :)
  11. BuffManM

    Silkie genders.

    Hi Everyone, I have some 18 week old silkies (blue) and was wondering should I be able to blatantly tell pullets from Roos yet? I’ve read up a lot on ways to find out but I’m still pretty clueless. Thanks :)
  12. DandyAndMahi

    Is my chick a male or female?

    I’m taking care of this orphan chick that we found and we don’t know what breed or gender it is. We’ve been calling him a he but we’re not sure! I don’t even know if you can tell yet but maybe someone here can?
  13. BuffManM

    Male or female

    Hi there, This is one for any silkie experts, or really anybody who might have an idea. I recently purchased 6 blue silkies (16 weeks old) and was wondering if anybody could advise me of the genders. I have posted the pictures and labelled them 1-6. Also as it’s my first time keeping silkies...
  14. MyLifeInAnEggshell

    Male or female and breed help needed!

    So my ducklings have been keeping me guessing. What I thought was a black swedish now I think might be a muscovy but then maybe not lol. Today we noticed green feathers on its head. Its 4 weeks old. We also have 2 pekins and what I thought was a silver appleyard but now believe its a campbell...
  15. Catbutts

    How old are they and what is their gender?

    I got 2 brahma chicken. The shop owner said they are female but I'm not so sure about it. So can you guys help me determine the chicken gender? Thank you😄.
  16. B

    Male or Female

    Hi all, I know this might be impossible but maybe you guys have a guess of how I could check if the chicks are male or female? I have googled and I understand it is difficult, but I bought 5 chicks and the person was sure 85% of 8 are female... Now I am not sure if I have a rooster - or worse...
  17. ChickChic00

    Blue Copper Marans and Easter Eggers

    So I have a couple questions. If you breed two Easter Eggers together and let's say they have the same egg color gene, could you sell the offspring as Easter Eggers? Ikow they are a breed. Also, what would happen if you breed a Lavender Orpington rooster over a Blue Copper Marans hen what would...
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