
  1. B

    Wild rescue Mallard laying almost 20 eggs?!

    Hey everyone!! I have a rescued WILD mallard with angel wing who is almost 8 months old. No mate, but plenty of attention. She has been laying eggs. She did a first set of 14.Took those. Then a few days later, she has a total of 19 as of today?! This doesn't seem normal? She's acting fine...
  2. Mgravitt87

    Rouen or Mallard

    We bought these 3 at Tractir Supply in May. From what I’ve read the one in the middle of the second picture is the drake and the other 2 are hens. It’s since been confirmed by their sounds. They are slightly smaller than my Pekins but not by much. Rouen or Mallard? What would be some tell tell...
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