
  1. katelyn19

    Help something took eggs

    okay so I had a male and female Pekin. I took care of them at night and came back the next morning to only see the male outside. My female has been sitting on a nest for about two weeks, and was so dedicated I had to get in their own and give her food and water. So I got in and crawled into the...
  2. shadow82399

    Killer Weasels/Mink

    I have been battling an unknown predator since late summer. My coop is over 2 feet of the ground and completely sealed. The fencing for the run around the coop is buried into the ground several inches and I piled logs and rocks around the entire run to deter anything from trying to dig around...
  3. nathanmouse

    Injured ducks won't eat

    I have three pekin ducks, four days ago a mink got into their coop and slashed their necks. Luckily they have all made it this far and their wounds are healing, the vet has given antibiotics and pain killers taken daily. They are living in the house right now so I can keep them clean and monitor...
  4. Mary's Backyard Chickens

    What ate my chickens??

    Help! I recently had 3 chickens killed and eaten. When I went outside, I saw only one of them laying there. It had no head, no feathers, no meat. All it had was rib bones and chicken legs laying there and a little blood. But, I want to know what type of animal most likely did that...
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