
  1. Gearhead846

    Does diatomaceous earth work?

    HI! I have been hearing conflicting evidence on whether DE works for controlling mites, lice, and worms and things of that sort, does it work or is it just a waste of money and if it doesn't work why is that? Thanks!
  2. Miami Leghorn

    *POLL*What do you consider too much money for a chick ?

    Ok, guys. @Overo Mare @The Moonshiner @Nabiki @nicalandia @Kiki @ChicKat @Conan @muddy75 @Sapphire Sebright @ColtHandorf @casportpony @room onthebroom @Redhead Rae Please tag whoever else you can to join in. This is something I've been thinking about for a bit. My wife and I were conversing...
  3. LizzzyJo

    How my chickens pay for themselves

    I’ve talked about this many times before, so I thought I’d post about it. Selling eggs isn’t the only way to make money with a pet flock. You have to think creatively. For me, my chickens pay for themselves by replacing gifted wine. So, in my work/social life/community, we have dinner parties...
  4. Jraba1315

    What are the best and worst chickens for breeding?

    I am looking to start breeding chickens and selling the fertilized eggs/chicks. I think I am going to do BBS Ameraucana, BBS Orpingtons, BBS Marans, or Favacauna's. What are your opinions on breeding those chickens? And what do you think are the best chickens to breed to make money/break even...
  5. LunaMarieWolf

    How to make a bit of money off of chickens?

    Hello! I am looking about how to make a few extra bucks off of my chickens. I can't raise chicks right now because no one wants chicks where I am at. Plus they go for $1 a chick. Hatching eggs doesn't sell very well where I am at right now either. Can I maybe sell feathers? What else can I...
  6. Sarah99

    Ocellated Turkeys!!

    Hello, My name is Sarah. I'm new of course.. I was wondering if there are anyone selling/Breeding Ocellated Turkeys. I know they are very costly, and know they also need to be in a Very warm climate. I have been wanting these forever But I live in Northern Minnesota. I also realize how difficult...
  7. Nats Chickens

    Can I make money off my hens?

    High everyone, I was wondering, I have 8 chickens, but technically only 4 are mine and of those 4 only 3 are really mine. I was wondering, half of them are due to start laying in the next few weeks, and the way we do things is that the girls are paid 50 cents per egg they lay and that goes...
  8. wifeyschlegel

    How much did you spend on your DIY coop?

    We just bought all the material to build our coop and my husband thought it would cost less, so I'm just curious if we overspent or if it was a normal amount($550ish). We didn't have any access to free/cheap lumber so we had to buy it all..
  9. HuskerHens18

    How much are adult Isa Browns worth?

    Horrible way to spend a birthday. Neighbor's dog got out and killed my Isa Browns. Well, it's coming down to either the dog dies or the man owes me a lot of money. Google isn't giving me good answers, these Isa Browns were at their prime laying age. Exactly how much is one Isa Brown hen? I...
  10. steph1200

    How much time and money did it take to build a your chicken coop?

    How much was all the supplies? Was it hard/ is it worth it? Just want to hear about everyone's experience. and if you don't mind leaving plans of your chicken coop and pictures. just doing some research before i build my chicken coop, but still have a long way to go. thank you :)
  11. Star and eclipsa

    Chickens and ferrets

    I was just wondering if ferrets and chickens can hang out near eachother sometimes. I got 20 dollars for helping my grandma's co-workers yesterday when she brought me with her to work. I did the math and if i go with her to help out for ten days i would have 200 dollars, which is plenty to buy a...
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