moving eggs

  1. N

    Moving Eggs to a Hen

    Hi All, I have a bit of a situation I am grappling with and am Interested in the thoughts of those with more experience. I have placed five Barnevelder eggs under a broody hen. It is now day 7. I have only seen the hen get off the nest once a day, and it seems one of the other hens jumps into...
  2. B

    Its normal for the hen to have different "aged" eggs right? And when is the best time to move her

    This is my first time ever owning chickens, I didn't expect a broody hen until spring not to mention her to be successful. My girl has had a nest for almost 3 weeks and her eggs are in different stages of development. They appear to range from day 9 to day 19, this is normal right? Especially...
  3. C

    Hatched Chicks Moving All Over the Incubator!

    I have two chicks hatched out of my 12 eggs. There are pips in 9 others, and 1 other egg with no pip (I don't think it was fully developed but wasn't sure, so I left it in there during lockdown). The two hatched chickens are moving all over the place! They have knocked, bumped, and rolled every...
  4. I

    Temporary incubator power loss after lockdown - opinions on moving eggs?

    Hello all - we're 7 months new to owning hens and have taken the dive into hatching our own. Our Brahma chicks are expected to hatch from 30 October 2020. They are currently in a Brinsea Mini Eco II Advance incubator with automatic turning (hourly) and we thought we'd try a cooling cycle of 60...
  5. ChickChic00

    Taking eggs out of incubator?

    Alright, so I didn't know I was supposed to remove a layer in my incubator and I think the eggs arent getting enough moisture being on second layer. Is it ok to take them out really quickly and gently to remove second tray and put them on first one? This will be day 21 for 2 and 20 for 3 more in...
  6. christiechic

    BROODY HENS HAVE FP and there are unhatched eggs

    I am hoping someone can give me some advice on a situation I have currently. I have three broody Silky Chickens who are just shy of a year old. Out of 11 eggs one has already hatched and beenMoved to my bathroom. The other two in that grouping didn’t hatch after 28 days. Initially I brought one...
  7. Englishable

    First duck hatch!

    After two years with chickens and guineas, we added ducks and geese last year. We have 5 female Rouens, two males, and a breeding pair of French Toulouse geese. About a month ago, 4 of the five Rouens and our female goose went broody and they've been sitting consistently on their eggs since. I...
  8. Selsee

    Day before float test

    On day 16, aka yesterday, I float tested my eggs. 2 moves which I was very happy about since I got them from the grocery store and made my own incubator. I just wanted to ask if it’s ok that I moved them so close to their hatching day?
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