multiple breeds together

  1. bestoboth

    Suggestions for managing multiple roosters for breeding (keeping hens and roosters separated)

    Hello all! I am new and have been searching the forums and articles but having a bit of trouble finding the specific info I need, so I am sorry if I have missed it somewhere, but hoping I can get some tips or even, perhaps some direction, if this info is somewhere I just am not looking. My main...
  2. m1chelle1

    Complex Multi-Egg Incubation Advice (Duck, Quail, Chicken)

    Hello BYC Fam :frow:frow:frow So I *usually* only set like with like when incubating. But I want to try to set duck chicken and quail eggs together today. I have a new GQF cabinet incubator, which is AMAZING btw :love. Its been running for over 24hrs now, and is holding steady at 99.5 F...
  3. DuckNana207

    Expanding our flock

    We currently have 3 pekin females, and would like to add some variety to our yard. I would like to get 2 of each of these breeds: Cayuga, Khaki Campbell, Blue Swedish. Also, eventually Welsh Harlequin. My question is, what should I plan on for a male/female ratio? Do I get a M/F pair in each...
  4. Trinitydraco

    Small Air cells on day 18 with an internal pip! Anything i can do?

    So I use a dry method in my incubator for the first 18 days and did that as usual. This time I have different breeds with some large eggs like EE's and Austrolorps and small eggs like Ayam Cemani. All the big eggs have nice big air cells but the small eggs seem to have REALLY small air cells...
  5. ForTheLoveOfFarming

    Mixing breeds?

    Hi! I have 3 Barred Rocks and 3 Rhode Island Reds. I want to get 3 Ameraucanas and 3 Buff Orpingtons as well. Does anyone know if it's ok to mix these breeds?
  6. G


    Anyone with different breed pullets for sale?
  7. D

    New to Backyard Chickens

    My husband and I have been considering chickens for over five years and finally, we got some. I had a friend with some chickens she was willing to give me to get started. We got three Rhode Island Reds, three Barred Rocks and Two Americanas. I brought them home before we were fully ready for...
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