muskovy duck

  1. T

    Brooding Muscovy Duck - Egg Question

    I noticed an egg outside of Mama Muscovy Duck's nest yesterday so assumed maybe it wasn't viable. I left it where it was with the idea of disposing of it next time she was off nest. I ran an errand today and when I can home the egg was gone.I live in FL and the weather has been warm and dry. Is...
  2. B

    Duck and adopted chick

    I was lucky to have my polish lay at the same time my duck went broody. I rolled my eggs under her and later on took the duck eggs (they went bad) and today I had my first chick hatch!! The mama duck has no problem with him/her but will the other ducks in the flock? Seeing as it is a small chicken?
  3. <3MyChix

    Muskovy duck sitting on dead eggs?

    Hi all! I've got a Muskovy Duck that's been sitting on a nest of eggs for about 41 days. It's possible I started counting from the wrong day. At the beginning she was leaving the nest a few times a day to eat before eventually never leaving, or rarely leaving once a day. Maybe I should have...
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