
  1. Fowlmamabird

    Advice for new chicken parents

    I thought about posting this and decided to because I wish I knew some of the things I know now and can always learn more about having chickens 🐓 I’m speaking on chickens 🐔 but a lot of this might help other animals and you if you struggle at times. I started having chickens in 2020 along with...
  2. H

    Hello chickenistas

    Hello chickenistas My family is just getting started! We're planning our backyard coop & run build and then we'll get 4-6 hens. Still deciding on the breed but we're doing our research. Our kids are excited to be involved and they'll take responsibility for certain daily tasks to help look...
  3. P

    Crazy chicken lady in the making :)

    Hi everyone! I am new to this forum and totally new to chickens. I’ve been wanting some for years but hubby never understood why cuz his family had them when he was a kid and he thinks they are nasty smelly things and that they are called “foul” for a reason. Ha!! But he is finally relenting and...
  4. EggspectoPatronum

    My new chicks

    These are my new chicks. I’m not sure how old. I’m guessing between 1 week and 2? I’m not sure what some of them are. We are supposed to have 2 Rhode Island Reds, 2 White Leghorns, 2 Amberlinks, and 1 Barred Rock, but I’m not sure about the other 3. The two reds are Thelma and Louise The two...
  5. angelinagreena

    Chicken Mama from Tennessee!

    Hello everyone! Looking forward to being apart of this community :) (1) Are you new to chickens / when did you first get chickens? I'm new to chickens and received my babies at the end of April from Murray McMurray Hatchery. (2) How many chickens do you have right now? I have 12 hens and 1...
  6. M

    Chick crouching?

    3 of the 4 chicks that I got were presumed males— the woman I got them from is reputable and rescues the roos. She traded me 3 presumed females for my very hand raised boys. I miss them but I can’t have roosters here! They’re about 4 weeks old, maybe a bit older. The new Olive egger chick and...
  7. Sweetlilgem

    Just starting my backyard flock

    Hello all!! I am new to chickens and have found this forum very helpful. As I stated I’m just starting my flock and have 6 pretty, what I hope are all pullets. We have decided on a blend of breeds, and all bigger girls.. no bantams. So far I have an Americana Easter Egger, Buff Orpington, Barred...
  8. S

    New Member Here

    Hi everyone, Wanted to introduce myself my name is Samantha and I live in Maryland. I became a chicken mama in March and it’s been a learning experience for me. I do have a helper (my 76 year old Dad ;) who raised chickens back in the late 60’s/early 70’s. It’s awesome!!! Anyway I’m looking...
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