not pooping

  1. J

    chicken rarely pooping

    it's been a whole day and a chicken i have is barely pooping at all. it would do the movement that chickens do when they do it, like when they raise their wings a bit and extend their neck momentarily, but then nothing would come out it sleeps in a high place so the feces fall to the ground and...
  2. aurorarora

    Hen with swollen watery crop, not eating or pooping

    Big Bertha is a nearly 2 year old red sex link. Two days ago we noticed she wasn't really eating. Her crop was big and squishy and she was kind of burping and moving her neck funny. We checked her crop yesterday morning and it wasn't any smaller. When I picked her up, she spit out some brown...
  3. SheenaBee

    Baby Chick not pooping/eating *graphic photos*

    Good morning all, I have an issue with a little Silkie chick that is about a week old. It has seemed weak and lethargic since hatch and still hasn’t really improved. Symptoms: - vent is protruding slightly - appears to have difficulty swallowing when given fluids from a dropper - does not...
  4. Zcruzer


    Hi guys, so I need help. One of my hens was acting strangely this morning, so i brought her inside because I thought it was cold, and she is doing better. BUT, she still isn't eating or drinking much, and is lethargic. She isn't pooping much either. Her stomach area seems somewhat swollen and...
  5. M

    Help please: Off balance chicken not pooping

    Hey all- I would love some help with my 9 month old Rhode Island Red, Tilly. This morning when she came out of the coop, she was super off balance. She can’t seem to stand on her own two feet. I gave her a warm bath and put her in chicken quarantine. This evening, she’s still not standing...
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