older hen

  1. periwinkleclouds

    Ascites in older hen still refusing to stand up or eat

    Hello friends! I'm a bit in distress here and would appreciate any advice from more seasoned poultry caretakers. I've raised chickens since I was a little girl but I've never had something like this happen. I have a 6 y/o Golden Star (her name is Applesauce) that's past her years of laying...
  2. -Shade-

    EMERGENCY: Older hen pale and unresponsive.

    I have a hen that was given to me by a friend because she was a wanderer and always getting into trouble. We allowed her to live with us because we have a free ranch farm and she would be more in her environment. That was about 2 years ago, and now, she is probably around 6-8 years old. She has...
  3. Cnjecker

    Previous Layer Not Laying but in Nesting Box

    I have a 2 year old Ameraucana who would leave me a pretty green egg each day. She hasn’t laid in about 4 days but I find her in the nesting box each day- but no egg. All of my other hens lay brown eggs so I’m not confusing her eggs for another or vice versa. I’ve had a broody hen and she’s not...
  4. O

    Enlarged area below the Vent discovery and results

    Hello Everyone, I have looked at a couple of posts on this and wanted to let people know of my findings. Goober was approximately 3 years old, had a leg deformity on one claw ( caused her to hobbled since birth like a penguin) she was very talkative too. She has laid some soft eggs before where...
  5. The chicken nurd

    Need advice with older hen

    So this week it’s supposed to snow here and drop into the teens my chickens run and coop is sheltered and dry so they should be fine but I have one hen she’ll be turning 10 this spring I’m just worried about her in the cold weather so I was planning on bringing her in the house for a few days I...
  6. mschickiemama

    Older hen not as perky as usual, slightly full crop, not as interested in chicken feed

    The past 3-4 days my 11-year-old hen hasn't been so perky. She isn't rushing to leave the house in the morning, and she goes to bed a little earlier than usual. She's not eating the chicken feed. She just kind of plays with it. But she will eat scrambled eggs and banana so I've been feeding her...
  7. A

    Wry neck, botulism, or something else?

    Bantam hen, older (9-10+ years old) About a week & a half ago I noticed one of my older hens was having some trouble breathing, but figured it was because of a high pollen count here, humidity, and the change in weather…or that it was just old age related and that she would be passing soon...
  8. A

    Wry neck, Botulism poisoning, or something else?

    —————————————————— Bantam hen, older (9-10+ years old) About a week & a half ago I noticed one of my older hens was having some trouble breathing, but figured it was because of a high pollen count here, humidity, and the change in weather…or that it was just old age related and that she would be...
  9. SMSChickens

    Need to rehome older hen (Sunnyvale, CA)

    We have had hens for years. We were down to a pair of hens a couple of months ago. One of them died and now the last hen(the one on the right in the attached photo) is crowing in the morning and the neighbors have complained to the city. We need to find a solution as soon as possible. Is...
  10. appletrails

    sick chicken

    I read lots of helpful info here, but don't post much. I have a small flock of laying hens 19. Have noticed green diarrhea in one of the older, 3 years old, original hen. Lost her this week. We recently got some new pullets at an auction and they appear very healthy looking. We kept them...
  11. ckhd

    Hen's age vs. Hatchability

    Hi everyone, I have an older hen. To be honest, I don't know how old, I just know her previous owner's mother said, "Oh, my gosh, is she still laying?". She is a beautiful, sweet hen and I want to have more of her, so I tried to hatch three of her eggs. None made it past about day 8 (judging...
  12. MyISAbrownhens

    Teaching older hens to free range

    The main reason we haven’t been free ranging our hens is because we have a family with dogs in our neighborhood (who would definitely eat our chickens) that basically roam the neighborhood as they please, but we just found out that family is moving! :ya So we would love to try to teach our...
  13. MagicA

    Lethargic hen with pale comb

    Hi everyone. We have a very ill hen on our hands and we just do not know what is wrong. She has been very lethargic lately and just lays down under our deck and closes her eyes. Only getting up and scratching occasionally. It has been awfully hot and humid but the other girls seem to be doing...
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