orpington rare lavender. easter egger. chicks

  1. JaimeP

    English Silver Laced Orpington- Roo?

    So I know it’s a bit early, Pika is approximately 9 weeks old and while I do not see rooish behaviors the comb and wattles are starting to worry me! This is the only orpington I have, so I have nothing to compare to. Thanks in advance for the guesses! Really hoping for a pullet, since I only...
  2. JBerman21

    Hatch a thon 2018

    We have had the best luck with hatching shipped eggs this year! Anyone else still going? We have our White Breese and Blue black splash maran hatching today! We also had coturnix quail hatch 2 days a go and 5 days a go naked necks and mottled orpingtons
  3. Mr.and Mrs.Greenwood

    My two new members of the family

    We now have a lovely lavender Orpington pullet and an amaracana pullet.. lillian and vivian.. waiting fornour other 2 chicks to come in! We are so excited to have these babies!
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