pecking at one chicken

  1. ChickenOfSpades

    How to help chicken getting pecked

    I have four chickens. One of them is getting picked on excessively and I'm not sure the best way to help. They have about 8ish square feet per chicken in their coop/pen, and go out into a much larger run every day where they each have about 35 sqft per chicken. I'm working on building a bigger...
  2. KatieG509

    Pecking led to a skin issue

    Hello! We have a 1 year old dark Brahma who was being pecked pretty badly by her flock mates. She has a pretty large bald patch on her back and around her vent. The area near her vent is pretty red, and while applying Vaseline and peck no more today I noticed a hard white lump (see the third...
  3. E

    New to keeping hens - need some tips on my re-homed girls

    Hi everyone, I'm completely new here and have stumbled across this forum while trying to catch-up on my hen homework, (as it were). I'm new to keeping hens and have stumbled across a 2 main issues I'd appreciate some tips and tricks on. I've rehomed 3 hens: a buff orpington, a dominique (or...
  4. S

    Rooster getting "groomed"

    I have a 2-year-old rooster in a flock of 38 hens and recently they have started to peck at his feathers, not in an aggressive way but almost as if they are grooming them but it has gotten to a point where he is struggling to fly and there are bare patches on him. I am worried that as we come...
  5. Backyardchickenmama6

    How do I stop this!

    Hi I have a chicken who i got yesterday no friend and all my chickens have been picking on her pulling out feathers biting her comb and making it scab up and cut I’m really worried I don’t know how to stop it I only have one coop in one area and if I left her outside or watch any of the chicken...
  6. T

    My chickens are picking on one chicken..

    I have a tiny flock of 4. They have been together since chicks. Everything has been fine till this morning. One hen, has become VERY vocal, and started chasing and pecking another hen. Then, one of the other hen started pecking on the same hen too, but not vocal. They are pecking her hard! I...
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