pecking other chicken

  1. BauerWFarm

    Hen attacked

    I have a blue laced barnevelder that was surprisingly attacked either early this morning or at night….. and I do believe it was by another hen. Her beak is injured up high but not completely broken… in fact she can eat and drink, whew….. but she won’t put weight on her leg and that is we’re all...
  2. chillismom

    Please advise on excessive bullying during hot months

    Hi, this is my first post so I wasn’t sure where to put it, especially since it is a two-part question. Excuse me if it’s in the wrong forum or if it’s too long! I have three 2 yr old chickens, T-Boz (Sussex,) Chilli (EE) and Left Eye (Plymouth Rock) all have very different personalities but...
  3. minaayindra

    Rooster bloody tail, being pecked, feathers broken off

    I came out this morning and noticed my large Black Copper Marans rooster, who was acting fine the night before, had a hen chasing him around who was pecking at the base of his tail. When I separated him, he has a large number of tail feathers broken off with active bleeding. I read through old...
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