pellet food

  1. A

    Confused about feeding pellets to pekin ducks…

    I’m really confused as to what kind of pellet feed they will need. I have 2 hens and 7 drakes. They’re only 9 weeks old, so there’s no breeding or laying going on. I don’t know what kind the hens need or what kind the drakes need. Or if the hens only need a certain kind of pellet feed when...
  2. MJ22

    Pellets vs Crumble

    Hey everyone! I have a question! We just got a awesome new feeder and waterer! We normally use laying pellets, but it seems this “gravity” feeder would work better with laying crumbles. What are your thoughts... Are crumbles better for the chickens? Who prefers pellets vs crumbles? Thanks!
  3. ourlilfarm2015

    Mash vs Pellets

    I have always fed the mash/crumble feed but recently noticed that pellets are also an option. Which do you prefer and why? The pellets look like there would potentially be less waste(?)
  4. theblondeangler

    Increasing Protein

    Two weeks ago, I changed the chicken feed. I was feeding them 16% layer pellets and increased it to 18% Hardy Hen by Nutrena simply because I noticed the hens were feather picking and eating the feathers. Along with their scratch grain, I put a couple of handfuls of BOSS a few times a week. I...
  5. Sue E.

    Scratch Feed vs. Pellets, and Oyster Shell

    This will give you my background. My two chickens aren't really mine. I bought some food for them - I guess you call it "scratch feed" because it's grains and such. I bought a smallish bag of DuMor Five-grain "Premium" scratch feed. Seems...
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