picked on hen

  1. C

    Rooster gone mean - singling out hen

    Hi! Our rooster has suddenly gone mean. Our chickens were hand raising from hatchlings by our kids including the rooster. Everyone would comment how kind he was. They are now 2 years old and in January we went out of town for two months. We came back and the rooster started flying at my kids...
  2. Angel25

    Bullied Bantam!

    I bought a group of day old and was reassured that bantams and large fowl could live together. I got three bantams and an Orpington. Sadly, the Orpington and one of the bantams aren't around anymore and one of the bantams turned out to be a cockeral! The bantam cockeral doesn't seem to jump on...
  3. RoyalCoopMom

    Old hen picking on pullets

    I have a flock of 7 hens. my oldest girls are a 3 year old BR and a 18 month old brown leghorn (bantam). 3 months ago I merged 5 - 8 week old pullets. They did fine no blood but the big girls did chase the little girls and the two groups hung apart for most of the last 3 months. They are...
  4. S

    Both flocks attack her ....

    I have combined my rir and my Columbia cross successfully. Out of the 22 , one Rhode Island is getting chased and jumped from both flocks , rooster we got rid of. I removed her, for 3 days to check her out she had soft poop, she ate , drank and her posture changed , not slouched over.Had her in...
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