
  1. MIgardengal

    Mystery!!!! Missing feathers.

    It happened again today, between 12 & 3 pm. We have been checking her multiple times a day. And I’m getting frustrated! Over the past 1.5 months one of my hens, has lost her butt feathers. Once a week it seems I come outside to find her with a bloody back end from broken feathers. I bring her...
  2. DuckDuckRooster

    Pulling out chest, neck, and wing feathers

    I have a hen (my first hen, so I'm not sure of a lot with her) she's a reasonably new addition. She was being picked on badly by her old flock and I took her to heal. She gets along well with my boys and I kept her. She was missing lots of feathers from the picking when she first got here, so...
  3. Gretaga

    Feathers missing from front of neck

    Feathers missing from front of neck for 2-3 months, treated 3x with permethrin in the last 2mos for poultry lice around vent, no improvement of neck, no more poultry lice around vent. No bugs visible on neck. No lifting of leg scales. No other chickens with missing feathers. Can’t tell if others...
  4. Kiariana

    Wound on molting hen- from picking? Need to do anything??

    One of my molting hens has a scabbed wound on her butt, where she's started molting. I think it is probably from picking and already sprayed the birds with stop-pick, but the area is swollen and firm to the touch. I want to make sure this isn't something to worry overmuch about. I've given her a...
  5. Chickadee00

    Feather picking!

    My 2 hens started picking off the backfeathers of my rooster. I already tried an anti pick spray but one still picks him and the other is also still interested in his feather even though she won't really pick him. I have two stables and put those two hens in one and locked the door (with water...
  6. Chickadee00

    Help! Feather picking

    2 of my hens started picking my rooster yesterday, I sprayed the spot with blue spray, so they wouldn't go for him anymore. Today I checked and they picked again and that he's bleeding. I separated him (they can still see him, but can't get to him) and put some ointment on his wound. What do I...
  7. R

    2 week old chicks losing back feathers

    Please help me with this thread: https://www.backyardchickens.com/threads/bully-4-week-old-chick.1475476/page-3 I have two week old chicks yesterday found with bald spots on their back near the tail area. Could this be caused by parasite? Or is just pecking by others? 5 out of 7 chicks have...
  8. R

    Bully 4 week old chick

    Hi, i have 3 chicks from the hatchery last May 17. 2 were male and 1 was female. One male last week had a bloody diarrhea and i treated them all with Trimethoprim-Sulfamethoxazole. They are on day 4 of treatment, tomorrow will be their last day. For the first two days of treatment, the male is...
  9. Etorb1

    Polish 9weeks losing feathers or being picked on?

    I have a 9 weeks polish that I noticed has a lot of feathers missing on the back of its head. I didn’t notice it being this bad yeaterday. It is in a run with bird of the same age that have been together the whole time I have had them which is about 9 weeks. Is this new feather growth or is it...
  10. K

    2 head chickens, 1 loosing weight

    I have a small flock of 7 chickens. There have always been two queens. They both still have their dominance but one is picking on the other. The one being picked on missing some feathers near her head and has gotten really skinny. This is the first time I've seen any ranking between these two...
  11. cluckmecoop7

    My chickens are getting a little bored...

    Hi everyone, I am recovering from a cold right now and can't give my chickens as much a attention as usual. They are used to getting a lot of attention. I don't want them to get bored and start feather picking, etc. :hmm Does anyone have any ideas that I could make/do for my chickens? It would...
  12. SlatyGapSis

    Bloody poo and feather picking

    My chicks are two weeks old today, I think. Have two separate bloody bums and not sure if these two things are related. I found a few dark poo’s and a chick with what appears to be blood on the edges of her fuzz around her vent. Pics of poo and booty below. And another chick who appears to...
  13. Debutante

    Feather-Picking! 3-Month Epidemic.

    Okay, I’ll admit it. I am COMPLETELY at my wits’ end with an outbreak of feather picking. The whole disaster started in early January when my 18 hens (who are now 11 months old) chose to stay in the coop during extremely cold, snowy weather. They had a large run available, but didn’t like the...
  14. H

    picking/pecking other chickens

    I have three Rhode Island Reds. They have just recently reached their maturing age. One is laying out of the three. I noticed yesterday that I have my "middle" pecking tail feathers out my last (in pecking order). My producer has nothing to do with it. I understand it's more than likely related...
  15. B

    2 year old flock rejecting hen

    Greetings, I've been coming here a long time looking at threads, but couldn't find much specific to my issue. I have a flock of 7 hens and 1 rooster. Most of the girls are around the same size, except for three of them. The Rhode Island Red is the smallest, I have a black hen that's the second...
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