
  1. C

    Aivituvin Chicken Coop?

    Hiii, I’m getting 3 chickens (1 Buff Orpington, 1 Easter Egger, 1 Plymouth Rock) and I am thinking about purchasing the Aivituvin chicken coop, I’m not sure which model it is but I will insert the image. I was wondering if anyone has experience with this coop and if it will survive. I am also...
  2. R

    Experience with Aivituvin Coops?

    Hey guys! I'm currently looking for a coop for my soon-to-be small backyard flock. I'm planning on getting 2 bantam silkies and 2 standard speckled sussex's. According to the the usual guidelines posted on here for standard hens: 4 square feet in the coop 10 square feet in the run 1 linear...
  3. ChickenOfSpades

    Prefab coops that (mostly) don't suck under $1000

    I'll eventually build something awesome, but can't right now for various reasons. Realistically it may be a year or two before I build a big permanent coop, I would love some recommendations on decent prefab coops under $1k. Here are some criteria I'm looking for: Coop+run big enough for 4...
  4. E

    Pre-fab runs?

    Hi- posting this question because all the threads I find are several years old. We have a solid coop and want to find a pre-made run. We know that mesh is the way to go and have tons of predators around so need the enclosure to be super tight. we have 8 chickens so need at least 80 sq feet...
  5. RookieChickyMom

    Help with prefab coop please?

    Ok so im kind of a first time chicken keeper. My son loves eggs, and wanted Birds as pets, so chickens duh! ;) I then found a free coop on an app about 6 months ago and started my research on which breeds I wanted and what I would need. About two months I got my first two chicks (which was all I...
  6. EggNV

    Considering a pre-fab purchase - reviews?

    Hi all, I'm considering buying a coop from The Chicken Coop Company. While it would be wonderful for me to be able to build one from scratch, the reality is that I don't have the skills, tools, or otherwise, to do so. That said, I do want the best I am able to afford for my girls, so I'm...
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