processing question

  1. Everlastinghoop

    First cull today. Question about processing issue

    So I did it. My self, my hubs helped with prep and making sure to be extra hands etc......but I did it! And this was a hybrid roo from our first Batch of our own babies from our first Cochin and all his four ladies We mail ordered last Sept, anyways, I incubated 22 eggs after our surprise roo...
  2. D

    after cleaning Cornish Cross - next step?

    Hello everyone, My husband and I are raising 25 Cornish Cross and plan to harvest them this week and next, but we just came across additional information we weren't aware of would appreciate some help in understanding. So after we kill, scald, pluck, clean we read that you need to rest in ice...
  3. Mimi13

    Are these tough old birds?

    I have three cockerels that have been up in their bachelor pad for about eight weeks now. I had planned on processing them at 16 weeks old, but I had to put that to the side when our renter moved out of our rental house and left it in bad condition. Needless to say, I’ve been working on...
  4. silkielover2121

    Humane Processing in Southwest Ohio?

    Hello, I am going to be processing more chickens than I can handle myself and am seeking a good processor for them who is humane, etc. I am seeking my organic certification and that is a factor as well. Any Ideas? Dayton, Springfield area. Thanks.
  5. LovinThisFarmGirlLife

    Dual purpose chickens?

    Hi there. I've been researching the chicken breeds we have and I'm wondering about birds who are good for eggs and meat. I have several chickens who are at the end of their laying days. They were hand-me-downs from the people we bought our house from. Most of them are meat/egg birds, so my...
  6. Susiemag73

    Processing question

    Hi! I just processed my 6th meat bird and had an issue when eviscerating. A little (really small amount) of what I am guessing is poop came out into the body cavity during evisceration. Can we still eat the bird? I washed it very well after. I am not sure if it came from the crop (which I...
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